Hunter’s Green
Kelly Ali
100% Complete
Project Progress
100% Progress

100% Timing

Start Date
17th April 2020
End Date
5th June 2020
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Project Description

YA fantasy novel. Developmental edit


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Expand Discussions | 4 / 4 Completed
Admin 7 5 / 5 0
Quote raised and sent Anna Johnstone 14th April 2020 1
Service agreement - Raised and sent Anna Johnstone 14th April 2020 1
Deposit paid 17th April 2020 1 1
Manuscript sent to editor 17th April 2020 1
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Initial read-through 0 1 / 1 0

Prior to editing, I will read your manuscript all the way through to get a general feel for the story.

Readthrough complete Anna Johnstone 24th April 2020
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Editing 0 4 / 4 0

The editing phase depends on the length of the chapters.  The below list is an estimated schedule for completion.

Preface Anna Johnstone 1st May 2020
Chapters 1 - 8 Anna Johnstone 1st May 2020
Chapters 9-16 Anna Johnstone 13th May 2020
Chapters 17-24 Anna Johnstone 18th May 2020
No documents attached to this phase.
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Completion 4 2 / 2 0
Handover Notes Approved These notes accompany the in text comments in your edited manuscript.
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